Recently, I have observed that public transports are getting crowder these days. As there are limited seats, an elderly would not get a chance to sit down. Even with the reserved seats, younger people would not even bother about the elderly and would just take up the seats. Many elderly people would then be left with no choice but to stand. If their journey is very long, it would affect their knee bone and their muscles would ache. Standing up on the MRT would also increase the chances of them falling down when the MRT breaks.

This picture is taken in the afternoon. If we place an elderly in this scenario where by she/he has just entered the MRT and have no place to seat, how would he/she feel? This would also affect the good reputation of Singapore. In my opinion, I think that there should be more reserved seats. Anyone who does not fit the purpose of these seats and still seats on them will be fined. This action would then help the elderly.
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