Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal Reflection (NEwater visit)

1. What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s visit?
From today's NEwater visit, I learnt about Singapore's four national taps(National Catchments, Imported water, NEwater and Desalinated water), how NEwater processes the water to make it suitable for drinking(purify and distill) and how the processes work.
2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.
I have learnt about the three processes that is used in the NEwater plant: UV Disinfection, Ultra Filtration and Reverse Osmosis.
UV Disinfection: Kills Bacteria
Ultra Filtration: Only allow water molecules to pass through the membrane
Reverse Osmosis: Purify Water
3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?
In the process of Ultrafiltration, the view is multiplied by 100,000 times: Like this, the holes in between the strands will be the size of a tennis ball, water molecules would be a size of a ping pong ball, virus would be as big as a truck, and bacteria would be as large as the NEWater factory itself.
4. What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?
We could use the 3Rs(Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to help with water conservation. Like this, the target of using 140 litres of water per day for each person will be met faster.
An idea: Use the water for washing vegetables to water the plants or flush the toilet.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


3 key takeaways:
1.The product that is designed should be attractive to the targeted audience.
2. Lots of research must be done before the brainstorming of ideas.
3. We should look from the audience point of view of the product.

2 concepts learnt:
Innovative and Feasibility.
The idea must be feasible in order for it to work out. The generated idea must be innovative so that it will appeal to the people and more people would buy the product.
Extra: Originality. The idea must be original and not taken from movies or books.

1 interesting learnt:
Every part of the product is an important factor whether it will pass or fail.
